Through the many public records that are available, and from information supplied to us and with our many years of experience, it may be possible to trace most individuals when they have left a property without leaving a forwarding address.
As it is not guaranteed that we are able to trace an individual; this service is offered on a “no find – no fee” basis.
In one particular case time was of the essence and, consequently, it was necessary to visit the area where the debtor was residing to confirm the address. The debtor’s property was on a very expensive golf complex and a search of the electoral roll confirmed that the debtor was living at the traced address.
We have, on many occasions, traced not only debtors, but also obtained further information about their current financial situation, and whether they are currently in employment; thus offering a client to take a view as to whether it is commercial sense to pursue a debt.
There are other services that are offered under this heading, and will be discussed when we are given an instruction which may fall under this category.