


Boris urged to help the half a million Londoners with problem debt

Mayor of London Boris Johnson is being urged to use his high public profile to help the half a million Londoners with problem debt obtain the right advice to help them get out of trouble. A report from the London Assembly’s economy committee says his backing for a money advice week could help reduce the stigma of problem debt. The committee’s chair, Jenny Jones, says: ‘We were particularly concerned to hear of the im
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A danger sign of debt for business

A leading debt advice charity published a single figure a few  weeks ago that helps explain why the Bank of England governor, Mark Carney, is casting about for reasons not to increase interest rates when unemployment drops below 7.1%. In what was billed as Debt Awareness Week, the StepChange charity was contacted by new clients who owe a total of £230 million. It’s not clear how many people sought advice on managing
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