


What Does It Cost You to Be a Landlord?

To anyone outside the buy-to-let world, it seems as if landlords are sitting back and raking in profits. While this was never really true, a few years ago there was some justification for the perception. But no longer. A combination of increasing hidden costs and Government measures such as increasing Stamp Duty have left landlords in a position where the average annual return is hardly more than £2,000 on each prope
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New Legislation for Rentals — What You Need to Know as a Landlord

If you’re a landlord, you’ll know how fast the rules have been changing recently. It’s not over — several new laws and regulations have either been passed recently or are being considered. So what do you need to know? The Tenants Fees Act 2019 This received the Royal Assent in February, and its provisions will be applied from the beginning of June. Under the Act, landlords will only be permitted to ask for certain pa
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Don’t Be a Victim of Fraud While You’re on Holiday

The chances are you’re looking forward to a holiday over the summer, whether your tastes involve lying on a beach or something more active. If you’re running your business efficiently, there shouldn’t be a problem about taking a couple of weeks off to enjoy a well-earned break. However, there are potential dangers. There have been a number of cases where an employee has received a very plausible ema
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Three Essential Steps Before Signing a Commercial Lease

Any legal document requires close scrutiny before you sign it, and this is certainly true of a commercial lease. The ideal solution would be to have the agreement drawn up by a commercial law solicitor working for you, who’ll ensure there are no nasty surprises. Often, however, your landlord will present you with a ready-made agreement. Most landlords won’t be trying to cheat you, but the agreement will have been dra
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Rogue landlords in London are now going to be named

Rogue landlords in London are now going to be named and shamed online. A recent survey showed that 60% of renters in London live in properties with serious issues that landlords have a legal obligation to address. As part of a push to deal with this, the Mayor is launching an online list of residential landlords who have been convicted of illegal practices This shouldn’t worry conscientious landlords. In fact, it cou
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Ban on Letting Agent Fees

In last year’s Autumn Statement, the Chancellor announced the Government’s intention to ban letting agents from charging fees to tenants. These charges, for everything from collecting references to administration costs, can add up to as much as £800, in addition to the deposit and rent in advance. This has been welcomed by tenants groups, but both landlords and some conservative MPs have expressed doubt about the pro
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Landlords must check immigration status of new tenants in pilot scheme

Residential landlords have to check the immigration status of prospective tenants under a government pilot scheme that started in the West Midlands on 1 December. Failure to do so could result in a civil penalty of up to £3,000. Under the Immigration Act 2014, landlords and lettings agencies are required to establish if new tenants have a right to rent as a legal resident in the United Kingdom. The pilot scheme only
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